Corti Brothers

Oshima Island Blue Label Salt 240g

Salt, often called the “fifth element,” is absolutely necessary for life. Wars have been fought over it; national debts and income paid by taxes on it; wages paid with it–salary=(sal)arium=salt. We used to not pay much attention to salt, (except to stay away from it), but now there has been a salt revolution with salts from different origins. Corti Brothers first imported its special Japanese salt in 1996. It was from Oshima Island in Japan, an island about 65 square miles in size, 45 minutes by air off the Japanese coast from Tokyo, in the middle of pristine Pacific ocean waters.

It is this sea water which is concentrated by a constant spray sent through pipes that shower the water into collection troughs in the open air. It is re-pumped and showered until its salinity goes up enough to allow it to be evaporated into its crystalline form. THE BLUE LABEL salt is tray evaporated in a glass house using only solar heat. Nothing is added; nothing is taken away.

The Blue Label, one of the rarest salts in Japan, is a crystal salt that is even more wonderful on finished dishes. There is a certain “sweet savor” to it. The crystal grain is flaky/crunchy. Corti Brothers cannot take credit for the salt revolution taking place in the US, but we were the first to import Japan’s special Oshima Island salts. It is difficult to describe salt, but it is delicious.

Store Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 7 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 6 PM

5810 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95819 916-736-3800

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