Corti Brothers

Spinosi Fettuccine 8.8 oz.

SPINOSI brand of egg based pasta is possibly the best made in Italy. According to a wine merchant friend from Milano, it is “better than homemade.” In Italy a minimum of eggs in making egg pasta is 4 whole eggs per kilo of flour. The Spinosi egg pastas are made with 10 eggs per kilo of flour. The eggs are cracked by hand one by one; no water is added to the mix; and then with high quality Italian durum semolina flour, the mix is slowly kneaded and cut with bronze dies. The then cut pasta is slowly dried and packaged. Spinosi Pasta has been made since 1933 in Campofilone, a small city in Italy’s eastern seaboard region of the MARCHE, where egg pasta making is a tradition which dates back to the 1400s. This pasta was called “maccheroni fini fini.” Its golden yellow color is given by the intense, almost red colored egg yolks produced by chickens raised cage free and fed a diet with sunflower seeds and other high chlorophyl feed that produces deep colored egg yolks.

Such a high amount of egg content also gives Spinosi pasta a real toothsome structure so that you can taste the almost firm texture of egg based pasta dough when cooked. This toothsome quality is one of its remarkable
characteristics. The Spinosi boxes say on them that the producer is “The artisan of pasta as if home made.”

All the long cuts of pasta are in 8.8oz boxes layered on two sheets of white paper. This is a very good measure since only one sheet of pasta is needed for up to four persons as a first course or 2 or 3 dinners as a main course

Store Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 7 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 6 PM

5810 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95819 916-736-3800

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