Corti Brothers

Passione Per Balsamico 25

$92.89 USD


CASTELLO DI VERGNANO is the current name of SAN GEMINIANO, the estate we have imported since 1982 that produces the ACETO BALSAMICO TRADIZIONALE which we introduced to this country.  The two sisters who ran San Geminiano have split and the new name, Castello di Vergnano is, in fact, the medieval name of the castle on the property. In effect, nothing has changed. 

Perhaps I should point out three products, PASSIONE PER BALSAMICO, which is the estate bottled balsamico that we also have in the Consortium bottles. They are not a different product, just estate bottled. Since the control of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale has become a governmental one, estates can bottle their own product but just can’t use the Consortium bottles. They also have to call it a “condimento” rather than Aceto. You, the customer saves money.

Store Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 7 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 6 PM

5810 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95819 916-736-3800

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