Corti Brothers

Ball Club Chippewa Wild Rice 12 oz

BALL CLUB WILD RICE is hand harvested by two people in a canoe sun, air dried, then processed by hand during the months of August and September, the 3-4 week window for harvesting genuine wild rice (Zyzania aquatica) in Minnesota. BALL CLUB WILD RICE is a pale khaki brown color, the NATURAL color of wild rice. It is very different from the very hard, black wild rice normally seen on the market and whose black color comes from the parching of the seed.

Since Ball Club wild rice has just been harvested, it does not need to be soaked before cooking and will take about ½ hour to cook rather than the hour or more that the black form takes. It is delicate, yet intensely scented. If you have never enjoyed this kind of wild rice, Ball Club is a revelation. It makes a delicious and very North American addition to turkey or with game fowl. Once cooked, it is very handy to keep in the refrigerator, just to be re-steamed, and served with grilled or roasted beef, pork, or lamb as an alternative to potatoes or other starch.

Known as MAH-NO-MEN in the Anishinabe language, wild rice is a cultural staple, medium of exchange, and food delicacy. Traditionally harvested from wild growing plants, this is a far cry from the black, machine harvested, paddy grown “wild rice” normally found in commerce. The black wild rice has a following in Italy. They would be amazed if they had this quality.

Store Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9 AM - 7 PM
Sunday: 10 AM - 6 PM

5810 Folsom Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95819 916-736-3800

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