RIGA GOLD SARDINES IN JAR (Sprats, actually)
Riga, the capital of the country of Latvia, one of the Baltic States, produces a lovely fish product which historically has been called SPRAT. It comes from a small Atlantic/Baltic Sea fish called Sprattus sprattus.
Originally and still, they can be found in a small, flat round tin, but Corti Brothers has been having very good sales with another presentation in a jar. Sprattus sprattus belongs to the herring family, which also includes sardines. Hence, the obvious name mixup. The tins are labeled Sprats; the jars, Sardines.
However, the product is delicious and with interest very much growing for tinned fish, RIGA GOLD SMOKED SARDINES ARE SOMETHING YOU SHOULD TRY. They are made with only two ingredients: refined olive oil and salt. The fish are lightly smoked, then headed and tailed, and packed in olive oil with a touch of salt, hand placed in their glass jar. Refined olive oil is used since it doesn’t harden when cold and actually is just a clean, lightly flavorsome medium to keep the fish soft and to help preserve them. What you want to taste is the fish not the oil.
Riga, Latvia’s capital, was founded in 1158 by German merchants from Bremen as a trading post. The three countries which make up the Baltics are Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia--all located just south of Sweden/Finland, on the Baltic Sea. Since the early 1900s, Riga Sprats have been famous as a traditional fish product in this part of Northern Europe. They are always wild caught and naturally smoked.
Very versatile, these Smoked Sardines can be enjoyed as they are with just some good rye bread, with a simple salad or mixed with pasta. Very healthy with Omega 3 oils, they are an easy way to enjoy a lightly smoked taste, elegant, mild flavor and get nutrition besides. What could be simpler?
A really quick to do snack, canape or “tapa” would be a slice of good rye bread, layered with slices of hard boiled egg and topped with Riga Gold Smoked Sardine. Accompanied by a good beer or some cold vodka.